System 7 Accessing Mac OS X file servers

Using my MacIvory, until now, I have been using an old Mac Powerbook running Mac OS 9 with AppleTalk file-sharing to allow me to copy files from a USB key to the Mac IIfx host running 7.6.1. Trying to access shared folders on my newer laptop running Mac OS X failed, as did sharing in the opposite direction.

Presumably, the problem is that Mac OS X uses a revision of the AFP file-sharing protocol which is incompatible with the version used by the default Mac OS 7.6.1.

It turns out there is a fix for this issue:

  1. Install Open Transport 1.1.2 (a dependency for the next step) on the 7.6.1 Mac

  2. Install AppleShare Client 3.8.3 on the 7.6.1 Mac

The Apple article on AppleShare Client 3.8.3 has more information on this release of the software.

Apparently AppleShare 3.8.8 requires System 8.


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