The MacIvory keyboard mapping

The Symbolics MacIvory can use an Apple Extended Keyboard. In order to emulate the full Symbolics keyboard, it supports the following mapping, documented by the keyboard overlay they provide.

Symbolics Key Mac Key Comment
Function F9
Escape F10
Refresh F12
Square F6
Circle F7
Triangle F8
Clear Input keypad clear/numlock
Suspend keypad =
Resume keypad /
Abort keypad *
Network F11
: shift+;
1234567890-= same
`~ `~ (top left)
\{ \, shift+[
|} shift+\, shift+}
Help help/ins
Local (F14 marked as alt?) ?
Tab same
qwertyuiop same
([ shift+9, [ ?
)] shift+0, ] ?
Back Space forward delete/del
Page page up
Complete home
Select esc
Rubout delete
asdfghjkl same
;: same
'" same
Return return
Line page down
End end
Caps Lock same
Symbol L up arrow (covers both L&R)
Shift L same
zxcvbnm same
,< same
.> same
/? same
Shift R same
Symbol R up arrow (covers both L&R)
Repeat none? typematic?
Mode Lock F15
Hyper L left arrow (covers both L&R)
Super L Apple/Command L
Meta L option/alt L
Control L control L
Space same
Control R same
Meta R option/alt R
Super R Apple/Command R
Hyper R left arrow (covers both L&R)
Scroll keypad enter
Caps Lock LED same
Mode Lock LED num lock LED Haven't tried
don't understand command logo over scroll lock LED
Mouse-M shift down arrow ("shifts" Mouse-L to Mouse-M)
Mouse-R shift right arrow ("shifts" Mouse-L to Mouse-R)

Most of the question marks and comments are places where I might run into trouble with my plan to convert the Symbolics keyboard to ADB. For instance, when I hit the colon key on the Symbolics keyboard, must I send a shift+semicolon+unshift to the Mac, or does the Symbolics ADB converter somehow invoke a different keymapping that puts a colon in the unshifted position. The "mouse shifting" keys are a convenience for people using the one-button Mac mouse. I have a multiple-button ADB mouse that I hope to convince Genera to recognize. The Symbolics ADB box accepted a Symbolics three-button mouse; the most convenient modern substitute would be a normal PS/2 mouse also converted to ADB.

UPDATE: This is all made clearer by examining the proper system resources installed by the Symbolics software. These translate "virtual keycodes", generated by mapping ADB box (using ADB handler ID 39 decimal) or Apple Extended keystrokes (using the system-provided ADB handler) through a KMAP resource matching the ADB handler ID. These virtual keycodes get mapped to characters through KCHR (using the current keyboard modifier flags) to create characters. Thus the colon key does not need to generate a shift, merely have a KMAP/KCHR combination that produces the ASCII colon character.


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